Whatte advertisement, I say! What a crappy, crappy, annoying as fuck, asinine, idiotic bloody advert.
Right, so here's the synopsis of the ad -
Purported macho stud dude with what looks like a Samsung phone goes to the store's checkout counter to pay and hands the sales lady (deemed smoking hot for some reason by the ad's rather imaginative creators) a five hundred rupee note, who after a seemingly disgusted glance at the Samsung hands hims back part of the change and a couple of what looks like those cheap (50p I think) Ravalgaon toffees in lieu of the remainder of the change.
Along comes the wuss next door and the same ritual repeats, only this time after a long, passionate glance at the wuss' Lava phone the hot-librarian-wannabe sales lady has a wet dream and instead of the Ravalgaons the wuss is suggestively handed a couple of Surex condoms. The ad then proceeds to encapsulate the features of this awesome piece of technology i.e. the Lava phone, not the condom weirdly enough. Unbelievable features like a gun-metal finish and sharp, masculine edges and finally the ad ends with the phone's tagline Separates the Men from the Boys.
Not that I particularly like those Korean bastards Samsung, but really? These guys at Lava are better how?
And what an inane ad. Don't these people think before they put up trash like this. Here's some crap that really bothered me -
- Surex? Ooh, I wonder what that's an allusion to? Durex? Nah, that can't be it now, can it? By the way, Durex is a portmanteau durability, reliability and excellence. I'll leave it up to you to come up with some for Surex.
- Masculine edges? Are FREAKING kidding me? What the fuck do you mean by masculine edges? So, what now, we have feminine and hermaphroditic edges? Euclid, Descartes, Riemann and every dead mathematician would turn over in their graves if they ever heard this. Hell, turning over and even thrashing about would be rather mild, I'd expect something like George A. Romero's Night of the Living Dead, only here zombie mathematicians would hunt down the imbeciles that made this ad.
- Lava phones are the key to getting laid? Really? Apparently all you have to do is get a Lava phone and sales ladies all over the world will want to bed you. Women really like Lava phones that much eh? Must be them masculine edges. Though now that I think about it I do remember Hugh Hefner talking about how Lava was the secret of his success. And I'm fairly sure James Bond, Tony Stark and Bruce Wayne had Lava phones. Talk about revelations, this is like that Pick of Destiny moment.
- The wuss is accepting those condoms? Do you really want condoms that cost as much as a few toffees do?
- Separates the men from the boys how now? Why is that even relevant when you buy a phone. How the fuck does that even make sense? Phones can do that now? And here I was thinking them Android phones were feature rich.
Here's hoping that Lava can come up with a halfway decent advert the next time around. And maybe even a halfway decent phone.
End of rant.

Hahaha, good one ra but i think condoms are that cheap :)
I think the comdom is most probably to put the mobile in it and then ....
@ Siddharth: went through ur article, i think its an creative ad (which was copied from some foreign ad)... no matter here to compare with other mobile features... my opinion they have conveyed the message to their target audience in this ad nd also social msg included in that.. (how many of them u think might use condom???) including social msg in ad is not bad... there r several ad which included social msg earlier...
Mobile industry is something like highly competitive industry whn compared with other electronic products... so differentiation is required either in(4Ps) product, price, place r promotion (LAVA has differentiated in promotion) what wrong in this???
I think its an wonderful ad.... which has conveyed in right way nd also in right time...
If u hav ny friendz in mobile industry check d sales of tht particular model now nd also end of dis world cup series... I assure u dis particular ad wil recall d brand name to the particular target audience whn they entering into d mobile shop...
And i'm not associated with LAVA. Its jus my view which i like to share with u....
Balaji, mate, firstly, my blog, my fucking opinion.
Now that we've gotten that sorted out, my opinion is that the ad was unintelligible, fairly pretentious, stupid, misogynistic and frankly, sucked donkey ballses. So, I'm not really interested in any insights into the concept of the ad.
That said, thanks a lot for dropping your opinion and thoughts man.
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