Right. This is for the benefit of all those people who didn't get the lovely email I send out every year.
Well, with the culmination of 2010 yesterday, its the end of many things as I see it, like the end of first year of the second decade of the new millennium, the year '10, the month of December in the year of '10, the last of week of the aforementioned month, the last day of the aforementioned week of the aforementioned month, so on and so forth.
Knowing me, this really could take a while, though I've decided to mend my ways and annoy people a little less at the beginning of the year and hence will get to the point of this mail, that being wishing all you morons a very great year ahead. To all those who in their infinite wisdom have made new-years resolutions, my heart, yes the teeny tiny one goes out to thee but before which I shall wish you all the very best in your endeavors.
Till the end of 2011 and with fairly warm regards,

where did u get those impossible objects from???
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